Ever since the pandemic began, employees and employers have been swamped with the task of how to work from home efficiently.
Now that the pandemic is slowing down, many companies have allowed their employees to work from the office.
While many have taken advantage of this, others have decided that they work from home efficiently enough to get all of their necessary work done.
Are you the type that prefers to work from home or the office?
Let’s review the positives of working from home and working from the office that CarterJay Legal came up with, to see what your preference matches most.

Benefits of Working from Home
Here are some of our favorite advantages of working from home:
No Commute
Working in the comfort of your own home means that you can casually stroll downstairs to your office in less than 10 seconds.
You get to sleep until the very last second and still make it on time to your 9am meeting.
You also don’t have to put any extra miles on your car, and you can save time by not having to wait in the early morning traffic.
You Don’t Have to Take Time to Get Ready
Remote work may mean that you don’t have to get (fully) ready in the mornings.
If you have a video meeting that day, all you really have to do is make yourself look presentable from the waist up. Plus, we can all vouch that looking good on video is much easier to do than looking good in person.
Less Stress
This advantage could go both ways, whether it’s working from home or working from the office, but we’ll leave it here.
If you’re working from home, you’re less likely to experience stress because you may not feel as pressured to keep up with your daily tasks.
While that doesn’t mean that you have less to do when you’re working from home, but you’re not being micromanaged or watched, therefore your stress levels are lower.
Save Time & Money!
Working from home allows you to save yourself time and money.
You don’t have to waste time driving to work every day which also means that you’re spending less on gas.
Also, you may not feel like you have to buy new clothes for work as often as you typically might. The professional, work clothes that you currently have will last you longer since you’re not constantly wearing and washing them.
More Work/Life Balance
Being a lawyer requires many hours of your time where you typically have to work outside of the standard, working hours (9am-5pm).
Sometimes, being in the office puts more pressure on employees to work longer hours because they feel required to.
Working from home allows you to balance your personal life and work life better because you get to clock out when you decide that you finished your work for that day.
Benefits of Working in an Office
Here are our top advantages when working from the office:
Higher Motivation
Everyone will agree that working from the office provides you with more motivation than working from your couch at home.
While you may have an office set-up at home, the office still may be more motivating because you feel more motivated to stay on task and focused.
Team Members to Keep You Company
Working from the office is much less lonely because you’re surrounded by your team members.
While you may not be the only person in your home that is working remotely, your coworkers actually understand the daily work struggles that you go through, which is much more comforting.
Easier to Form Client Relationships
One of the biggest advantages for lawyers working from the office is having the ability to form better client relationships.
It is much easier to form a relationship in person rather than through email or video call.
Client relationships are vital, and lawyers may choose to go back into the office for this very reason.
Less Distractions
Working from the office provides you with less distractions that stray you away from your daily tasks.
Being in the office surrounds you in a space where you only really have the option to do your work.
Is Working from Home More Productive?
CarterJay Legal believes that working from home and working from the office provides employees with various advantages.
Whether you prefer to stay on task at your abode or the office is entirely up to you!
Let us know what you think of our positives when working from the office or at home, on our website!