Using social media to find a job seems dangerously distracting, though the earlier, technically inclined generations would beg to differ. Nowadays, there are various social media platforms to find employment, with LinkedIn being the prominent choice. However, Facebook is progressively showing competition for their job opportunities too. With a few tricks and steps, you could easily transform and utilise your Facebook profile to land the job you’ve been searching for!
Update Profile with Professional History
You’ve probably wondered, “What’s the reason employers sometimes ask for your Facebook profile when applying for a job?”
In today’s age, HR managers are using Facebook to get to know more about applicants because they want to get some insight on who you are, what you enjoy doing in your spare time, and ultimately, whether or not you’re a great fit for their company or firm’s environment.
Facebook stresses that employers will only be able to see your public information, but you should ask yourself what you’d want to see on a Facebook profile if you were a recruiter or HR manager before updating your profile with a new picture or post!
Step one on using Facebook for job opportunities is to update your profile with your professional history to make sure that you’re giving off positive, appropriate vibes to your friends and followers, some of which could be potential employers!
Facebook allows you to create a Facebook Resume, much like LinkedIn, where you can add your career experience, education and skills in order to showcase key contributions and accomplishments from past jobs. Be sure to list your most relevant abilities as specifically as possible so that employers can better decide if you’re the perfect candidate!
Understanding Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace is known for allowing people to sell and buy used or new items online. Another great thing about Facebook Marketplace is that you can browse through your local marketplace for job listings and be able to see who posted the job. This way, you’re easily able to apply for the job opportunity of your choice, as well as contact the individual who posted the listing! Facebook’s Marketplace may not be as thorough as other social media sites for job hunting, but you can definitely benefit from it as there is likely to be less competition for any roles posted there.
Using Facebook Jobs
Under the ‘See More’ tab on the left-hand side of your Facebook newsfeed, you’ll find the ‘Jobs’ tab. Here, you can narrow your results by location, industry, and job type, making it easily accessible to search any and all jobs around your city and in your preferred field. Now, the job hunting world is your oyster and its possibilities through Facebook are endless.
Join Groups to Find Networking Connections
Creating a list of companies that you want to work for based on your research and then being able to directly visit each company’s website makes your job hunt way easier and more efficient!
Some important characteristics that you should look for in a company are attributes like culture, work-life balance, number of employees, distance from home, and whether or not you can relate to the organisation’s values. Through Facebook, you’re able to see what friends or followers you have in common with each company that you search, so you can reach out to those individuals for additional information, if needed!

If more of your Facebook friends and acquaintances see the groups and companies that you are following through Facebook, they could reach out to you as well for a potential job opportunity! Facebook is essentially THE networking goldmine.
Create and Post Content
Posting personal updates and accomplishments on your Facebook profile is the virtual equivalent of personally checking in with your feed and followers. When your Facebook friends see that you’re paying attention to their professional postings and giving them insightful comments, they enjoy it! Ultimately, people want to help people that they like, and they also want to help people who help them. When it comes to jobseekers, your professional Facebook friends want to reciprocate you by offering you a job, if they see your popular, professional and personal content, so keep your feed up to date for your own benefit!
Get in Touch!
By its very nature, Facebook isn’t quite at the level of say LinkedIn for job searches or opportunities, but it is definitely worth bearing in mind and, from a company perspective, most employers have some kind of presence on the platform. In addition to using a recruiter, this can be a powerful way to identify the firms or companies that you would like to work for. This can often be a good prerequisite to conversations with your recruiter as we have strong relationships with the HR managers and partners, so we can get you a conference call or interview once the firms or companies are identified.
CarterJay Legal is a boutique legal recruitment agency based in London. We specialise in private practice roles with a large variety of law firms, catering for associates and partners alike. Call us on 07834 436775 to find out more.