With being absent from the office, you might have found some extra time to think about your career, without the watchful eye of your boss. Maybe, looking at job posts or salary surveys will give you the push you need in order to leave your current role and pursue something better suited for you. With the current circumstances, there is no better time to explore your options and come up with an organized plan - which CarterJay Legal can help with!
Here are a few steps you can take to get more comfortable with leaving your current legal position:
Draft a CV
It is worth spending time perfecting your CV as it is the essential document to help you find the perfect job. As your consultant, CarterJay will guide and direct you in the right direction, but ultimately the content creation comes down to you. Make certain that the points below act as an outline before you begin drafting your CV:
The Basics
⦁ Name, Address & Contact Details.
⦁ Education.
⦁ Awards. Don’t be afraid to mention any awards from school or university.
⦁ Languages.
⦁ Work Experience.
⦁ Social Media.
⦁ Add a Profile or Covering Letter stating your reasons for moving.
Your experience should be reversed in chronological order, so the client will first read about where you are currently, or most recently, employed. Use bullet points to highlight and give the client insight on what you did in each role. That way, it is easier and neater to read through.
⦁ Font. It should be legible & easy on the eyes – i.e. Gill Sans or Palatino.
⦁ Ideally 11 or 12 font size.
⦁ Use Bullet Points where possible.
⦁ Ideally 1.25 spacing between lines.
Remember that the CV is a Template for the Interview and as such should act as a guide on what to talk about throughout an interview.
⦁ Ignore the 1 or 2 Page Rule. 4 to 6 pages is fine.
⦁ Remember to Highlight Soft Skills.
The experience portion of your CV will determine whether or not you land the role, but it is also worth mentioning if you have excellent Microsoft skills or know your way around a time recording system.
⦁ Use Assertive & Positive Language.
⦁ Be upbeat and highlight where you were responsible for leading a project/deal.
⦁ Add your Interests.
⦁ Add References.
We trust that you have proofread your CV and ensured that it makes sense, so we may come at you with some questions, but ultimately you are responsible for the content.
Contact CarterJay
Leaving a job is stressful enough in itself, without having the daunting task of job searching on your shoulders. Shuffling through potential openings and applying to countless positions can be tiresome if nothing comes out of it. Alleviate the pressure of finding a role and contact CarterJay instead! We care about your career and can advise and guide you with honesty and market knowledge, so you can land the job you want. Our London legal recruitment experience enables us to tell you whether you are being paid the market rate, how your firm is ranked, and give you a clear idea of alternatives.
Call or email us and we’ll provide you with a career appraisal, CV template, and business plan!
07834 436 775
71-75 Shelton Street
Convent Garden, London
Read our Salary Survey
Salary isn’t everything, but it certainly helps to know where you stand with your firm compared to others in order to make the switch. Review our latest salary survey to get an idea of what your competitors in the market are earning.

Get the Best Out of Your Recruiter
In order for your job hunt to go well, you need to ensure that you build a strong relationship with your recruiter, and that you work together as a team. The first step is to truly understand how to build a network. Successful senior lawyers and partners have a good approach to networking and advertising themselves so they make sure that colleagues, recruiters, referrers, and clients can reach them easily. An active successful network assures others that you are approachable and ready.
Keep in mind that the communication between you and your recruiter is a two-way-street. Please respond accordingly - we understand if you are busy because we are too. Communication and feedback are necessary between us in order for you to be as successful as possible. Last but not least, whatever roles you’ve applied to, don’t contact the client directly. Whether or not you get selected for the role, let us do our job once you get to the point of offer/acceptance. Everything will go through us, the recruiter, whether we are responding to partner emails, or setting up exploratory calls. In the current climate, with so many still based at home, partners are open to having chats with prospective candidates with a view to hiring later in the year.
How to Prepare for a Video Conference or Skype Interview
With times like these and if, in fact, you do land an interview, here are some helpful tips on how to prepare for a video conference or Skype interview:
⦁ Prepare as if Meeting Face to Face
⦁ Dress to Impress
⦁ Test the Connection & Software First
⦁ Plan in Advance Where to Interview to Avoid Clutter
⦁ Manage Others in the House
Just because it’s a video conference doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t stay as professional as it normally is in person. Not only should you look sharp, but the area around you should be neat and tidy. Make sure that your connection is reliable, and that others in the house are quiet and respectful during your call.
Call Us to Help You Find Your Dream Job Today!
CarterJay Legal takes an honest, long-term approach to recruitment with a consultative outlook. We have the necessary skills and market knowledge to advise you accordingly and ensure that you are appraised of everything the market has to offer. We care about your career so call us today and we’ll be with you every step of the way!